0.6 Release19/04/2019

Changelog 0.6
  • Field Group: New location available – Post type archive (under Post type). Field group will be displayed on post type list view, as a sidebar. Fields will be saved in the option: {post_type}_options. Frontend usage example: get_field('my_field', 'page_options').
  • Field Group: New location available – Taxonomy archive (under Taxonomy). Field group will be displayed on taxonomy list view, as a sidebar. Fields will be saved in the option: tax_{taxonomy}_options. Frontend usage example: get_field('my_field', 'tax_category_options').
  • Taxonomies: Taxonomies list & edit views have been tweaked for a more consistent administration experience, using CSS/JS only. Views are now similar to post type edition screens.
  • Field Groups: Added a ‘Third party’ status (just like ‘Sync available’) in order to display local field groups thats are loaded by ACF, but not available in the ACF field group administration. Example: a field group is registered locally in the functions.php file.
  • Dynamic Post Type: Added a configuration button next to the post type title, if the post type was generated by the Dynamic Post Type tool.
  • Dynamic Taxonomy: Added a configuration button next to the taxonomy title, if the taxonomy was generated by the Dynamic Taxonomy tool.
  • Field Groups: Better ‘Load’ column data source. Now display: DB, Json or PHP.
  • Field Groups: Now forcing Json / PHP Sync if local files are loaded by ACF. In order to disable it, and if the setting is already enabled, you must manually delete the group_xxxxxxxxx file in your theme folder. This behavior is applied to avoid any data desynchonization.
  • Field: Fixed a PHP notice in the Advanced Validation setting update.
  • Field Groups: Taxonomy acf-field-group-category – Better exclusion from ACF taxonomy selection (location & fields)