
Docs Getting Started Installation

#ACF ExtendedFREE

  1. Download the plugin from here, or the WordPress repository
  2. Upload acf-extended folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress
ACF Extended
Howdy, ACF Extended
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ACF Extended
All-in-one enhancement suite that improves WordPress.
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Customize WordPress with powerful fields.
By WP Engine
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2+ Million Active Installations
Last Updated: 1 month ago
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  1. Log in to your WP Admin
  2. Head over the “Plugins > Add New” admin menu
  3. Search for “ACF Extended”
  4. Click the “Install Now” button on the ACF Extended plugin

This solution uses the third-party WordPress Packagist library.

Add the following configuration to your composer.json file:

        "only": [
"require": {

#ACF ExtendedPRO

  1. Download the plugin from here, or your Account Dashboard
  2. Upload acf-extended-pro folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress
  4. Remove ACF Extended Free, if it was previously installed

This solution uses the third-party Composer WP Pro Plugins library.

Create a .env file in the root of your WordPress site, where the composer.json file lives, append your ACF Extended Pro license key and the website to activate:


Add the following configuration to your composer.json file. Note that you can retrieve a specific version number using the version parameter.

"repositories": [
        "type": "package",
        "package": {
            "name": "junaidbhura/acf-extended-pro",
            "version": "<version_number>",
            "type": "wordpress-plugin",
            "dist": {
                "type": "zip",
                "url": ""
            "require": {
                "junaidbhura/composer-wp-pro-plugins": "*"
"require": {
    "junaidbhura/acf-extended-pro": "*"