Field Group
Date Picker
Drag boxes here
ACF Extended adds a new location allowing to display and update ACF fields on the WP Dashboard.
Create a set of rules to determine edit screens
and |
By default, fields values are saved using a custom Post ID: dashboard
You can retrieve the value using the common get_field()
function. Usage example:
// My Field
$textarea = get_field('my_field', 'dashboard');
it is possible to customize the widget arguments using the acfe/dashboard_widget_args
* Dashboard Widget Args
* @array $widget The widget arguments
* @array $field_group The field group settings
* @return array
filter('acfe/dashboard_widget_args', $widget, $field_group);
filter('acfe/dashboard_widget_args/key=group_5ffeea53d3402', $widget, $field_group);
add_filter('acfe/dashboard_widget_args/key=group_5ffeea53d3402', 'my_acfe_widget_args', 10, 2);
function my_acfe_widget_args($widget, $field_group){
* $widget = array(
* 'title' => 'My Field Group',
* 'updated_message' => 'Widget updated.',
* 'update_button' => 'Update',
* 'capability' => 'edit_posts',
* 'post_id' => 'dashboard',
* 'autoload' => false,
* );
// change the saved post_id
$widget['post_id'] = 'options';
// return
return $widget;