Color PickerPRO

Docs Fields Color Picker

#Field Render

A collection of advanced settings for the ACF Color Picker. The field can now be displayed as a palette and custom colors can be predefined.

Field Group

#Field Settings

Setting nameDescription
Return FormatAdded “Color Array”, “Slug & “Label”
Display StyleChoose to display the default color picker or Palette style
Button LabelChange the default “Select Color” text
Color PickerChoose to display the color picker
Position AbsoluteDisplay the color picker in absolute mode
Text InputAllow or disallow text color input
Allow NullAllow to clear the color
RGBAEnable the alpha color channel
Use Theme Colors
Inject theme support and theme.json colors
Custom Colors
Add custom colors

#Field Value

#Return Format: Color Array

$color_picker = get_field('color_picker');

 * array(
 *     'color' => '#2271b1',
 *     'slug'  => 'primary',
 *     'label' => 'Primary',
 *     'rgba'  => array(
 *         'red'   => 34,
 *         'green' => 113,
 *         'blue'  => 117,
 *         'alpha' => 1.0,
 *     )
 * )

#Return Format: Slug

$color_picker = get_field('color_picker');

// primary

#Return Format: Label

$color_picker = get_field('color_picker');

// Primary

#Unformatted Value

$color_picker = get_field('color_picker', false, false);

// #2271b1

#Custom Colors

It is possible to add custom colors directly within the field settings, using the following format:

#2271b1 : Primary
#d63638 : Secondary
#00a32a : Tertiary

#Use Theme Colors

The “Use Theme Colors” setting will automatically inject colors defined:

In order to add custom colors in your theme, you can use the following code:

add_action('after_theme_support', 'my_after_theme_support');
function my_after_theme_support(){
    add_theme_support('editor-color-palette', array(
            'name'  => 'Primary',
            'slug'  => 'primary',
            'color' => '#a156b4',
            'name'  => 'Red',
            'slug'  => 'secondary',
            'color' => '#d0a5db',

#Javascript Hooks

A new Javascript hook has been added to perform an action when a new color is selected. It is recommended to use the acf/input/admin_enqueue_scripts hook to enqueue a custom ACF JS file. See documentation.

#Color Picker Update Value

 * acfe/fields/color_picker/update_color
 * @string  val    Color value
 * @object  field  ACF Field instance
action('acfe/fields/color_picker/update_color',                         val, field);
action('acfe/fields/color_picker/update_color/name=my_color_picker',    val, field);
action('acfe/fields/color_picker/update_color/key=field_608abfa17fa7f', val, field);
acf.addAction('acfe/fields/color_picker/update_color/name=my_color_picker', function(val, field){

    console.log('new color:', val);
