Dynamic Forms have many Template Tags available that can be used in the UI. Those tags let you retrieve various dynamic data in order to customize the form behavior.
Retrieve user input from the current form
Tag | Output |
{field:field_5e5c07b6dfae9} | User input |
{field:my_field} | User input |
{field:my_field:false} | User input (unformatted) |
Retrieve all user inputs from the current form
Tag | Output |
{fields} | My text: User input My textarea: User input My date: 2020-03-01 |
Retrieve ACF field value from database
Tag | Output |
{get_field:my_field:{form:post_id}} | DB value (post which display the form) |
{get_field:my_field:{form:post_id}:false} | DB value (post which display the form – unformatted) |
{get_field:my_field:128} | DB value (post:128) |
{get_field:my_field:128:false} | DB value (post:128 – unformatted) |
Retrieve option value from database
Tag | Output |
{get_option:my_option} | DB value |
{get_option:my_option_array:key} | DB value |
Retrieve $_REQUEST
Tag | Output |
{request:name} | $_REQUEST['name'] |
{request:name:key} | $_REQUEST['name']['key'] |
Retrieve query var values
Tag | Output |
{query_var:name} | value |
{query_var:name:key} | Array value |
Retrieve current Form setting
Tag | Output |
{form} | 11 (form ID) |
{form:ID} | 11 (form ID) |
{form:title} | My Form |
{form:name} | my-form |
{form:post_id} | 45 (post id of the page that display the form) |
{form:custom_key} | Custom key value |
#Last E-mail Action
Tag | Output |
{action:email:from} | Contact <[email protected]> |
{action:email:to} | [email protected] |
{action:email:reply_to} | [email protected] |
{action:email:cc} | [email protected] |
{action:email:bcc} | [email protected] |
{action:email:subject} | Subject |
{action:email:content} | Content |
#E-mail Action Named my-email
Tag | Output |
{action:my-email:from} | Contact <[email protected]> |
{action:my-email:to} | [email protected] |
{action:my-email:reply_to} | [email protected] |
{action:my-email:cc} | [email protected] |
{action:my-email:bcc} | [email protected] |
{action:my-email:subject} | Subject |
{action:my-email:content} | Content |
#Last Post Action
Tag | Output |
{action:post:ID} | 128 |
{action:post:post_title} | Title |
{action:post:admin_url} | https://www.acf-extended.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=128&action=edit |
{action:post:permalink} | https://www.acf-extended.com/my-post |
{action:post:post_author} | 1 |
{action:post:post_author_data:user_login} | login |
{action:post:post_author_data:permalink} | https://www.acf-extended.com/author/johndoe |
See {post} for all available tags |
#Post Action Named my-post
Tag | Output |
{action:my-post:ID} | 128 |
{action:my-post:post_title} | Title |
{action:my-post:admin_url} | https://www.acf-extended.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=128&action=edit |
{action:my-post:permalink} | https://www.acf-extended.com/my-post |
{action:my-post:post_author} | 1 |
{action:my-post:post_author_data:user_login} | login |
{action:my-post:post_author_data:permalink} | https://www.acf-extended.com/author/johndoe |
See {post} for all available tags |
#Last Term Action
Tag | Output |
{action:term:ID} | 23 |
{action:term:name} | Term |
{action:term:admin_url} | https://www.acf-extended.com/wp-admin/term.php?tag_ID=23 |
{action:term:permalink} | https://www.acf-extended.com/taxonomy/term |
See {term} for all available tags |
#Term Action Named my-term
Tag | Output |
{action:my-term:ID} | 23 |
{action:my-term:name} | Term |
{action:my-term:admin_url} | https://www.acf-extended.com/wp-admin/term.php?tag_ID=23 |
{action:my-term:permalink} | https://www.acf-extended.com/taxonomy/term |
See {term} for all available tags |
#Last User Action
Tag | Output |
{action:user:ID} | 1 |
{action:user:user_login} | login |
{action:user:user_email} | [email protected] |
{action:user:user_url} | https://www.website.com |
{action:user:permalink} | https://www.acf-extended.com/author/johndoe |
See {user} for all available tags |
#User Action Named my-user
Tag | Output |
{action:my-user:ID} | 1 |
{action:my-user:user_login} | login |
{action:my-user:user_email} | [email protected] |
{action:my-user:user_url} | https://www.website.com |
{action:my-user:permalink} | https://www.acf-extended.com/author/johndoe |
See {user} for all available tags |
Retrieve current post data (where the form is rendered)
Tag | Output |
{post} | 128 |
{post:ID} | 128 |
{post:post_date} | 2020-03-01 20:07:48 |
{post:post_date_gmt} | 2020-03-01 19:07:48 |
{post:post_content} | Content |
{post:post_title} | Title |
{post:post_excerpt} | Excerpt |
{post:permalink} | https://www.acf-extended.com/my-post |
{post:admin_url} | https://www.acf-extended.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=128&action=edit |
{post:post_status} | publish |
{post:comment_status} | closed |
{post:ping_status} | closed |
{post:post_password} | password |
{post:post_name} | name |
{post:to_ping} | |
{post:pinged} | |
{post:post_modified} | 2020-03-01 20:07:48 |
{post:post_modified_gmt} | 2020-03-01 19:07:48 |
{post:post_content_filtered} | |
{post:post_parent} | 0 |
{post:guid} | https://www.acf-extended.com/?page_id=128 |
{post:menu_order} | 0 |
{post:post_type} | page |
{post:post_mime_type} | |
{post:comment_count} | 0 |
{post:filter} | raw |
{post:post_author} | 1 |
{post:post_author_data:ID} | 1 |
{post:post_author_data:user_login} | login |
{post:post_author_data:user_pass} | password_hash |
{post:post_author_data:user_nicename} | nicename |
{post:post_author_data:user_email} | [email protected] |
{post:post_author_data:user_url} | https://www.website.com |
{post:post_author_data:permalink} | https://www.acf-extended.com/author/johndoe |
{post:post_author_data:admin_url} | https://www.acf-extended.com/wp-admin/user-edit.php?user_id=1 |
{post:post_author_data:user_registered} | 2020-02-22 22:10:02 |
{post:post_author_data:user_activation_key} | |
{post:post_author_data:user_status} | 0 |
{post:post_author_data:display_name} | John Doe |
{post:post_author_data:nickname} | JohnDoe |
{post:post_author_data:first_name} | John |
{post:post_author_data:last_name} | Doe |
{post:post_author_data:description} | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. |
{post:post_author_data:rich_editing} | true |
{post:post_author_data:syntax_highlighting} | true |
{post:post_author_data:comment_shortcuts} | false |
{post:post_author_data:admin_color} | fresh |
{post:post_author_data:use_ssl} | 1 |
{post:post_author_data:show_admin_bar_front} | true |
{post:post_author_data:locale} | |
{post:post_author_data:wp_capabilities} | a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;b:1;} |
{post:post_author_data:wp_user_level} | 10 |
{post:post_author_data:dismissed_wp_pointers} | |
{post:post_author_data:show_welcome_panel} | 1 |
Retrieve current term data (where the form is rendered)
Tag | Output |
{term} | 23 |
{term:ID} | 23 |
{term:term_id} | 23 |
{term:name} | Term |
{term:slug} | term |
{term:permalink} | https://www.acf-extended.com/taxonomy/term |
{term:admin_url} | https://www.acf-extended.com/wp-admin/term.php?tag_ID=23 |
{term:term_group} | 0 |
{term:term_taxonomy_id} | 23 |
{term:taxonomy} | taxonomy |
{term:description} | Content |
{term:parent} | 0 |
{term:count} | 0 |
{term:filter} | raw |
Retrieve currently logged user data
Tag | Output |
{user} | 1 |
{user:ID} | 1 |
{user:user_login} | login |
{user:user_pass} | password_hash |
{user:user_nicename} | nicename |
{user:user_email} | [email protected] |
{user:user_url} | https://www.website.com |
{user:permalink} | https://www.acf-extended.com/author/johndoe |
{user:admin_url} | https://www.acf-extended.com/wp-admin/user-edit.php?user_id=1 |
{user:user_registered} | 2020-02-22 22:10:02 |
{user:user_activation_key} | |
{user:user_status} | 0 |
{user:display_name} | John Doe |
{user:nickname} | JohnDoe |
{user:first_name} | John |
{user:last_name} | Doe |
{user:description} | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. |
{user:rich_editing} | true |
{user:syntax_highlighting} | true |
{user:comment_shortcuts} | false |
{user:admin_color} | fresh |
{user:use_ssl} | 1 |
{user:show_admin_bar_front} | true |
{user:locale} | |
{user:wp_capabilities} | a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;b:1;} |
{user:wp_user_level} | 10 |
{user:dismissed_wp_pointers} | |
{user:show_welcome_panel} | 1 |
Retrieve current post author data (where the form is rendered)
Tag | Output |
{author} | 1 |
{author:ID} | 1 |
{author:user_login} | login |
{author:user_pass} | password_hash |
{author:user_nicename} | nicename |
{author:user_email} | [email protected] |
{author:user_url} | https://www.website.com |
{author:permalink} | https://www.acf-extended.com/author/johndoe |
{author:admin_url} | https://www.acf-extended.com/wp-admin/user-edit.php?user_id=1 |
{author:user_registered} | 2020-02-22 22:10:02 |
{author:user_activation_key} | |
{author:user_status} | 0 |
{author:display_name} | John Doe |
{author:nickname} | JohnDoe |
{author:first_name} | John |
{author:last_name} | Doe |
{author:description} | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. |
{author:rich_editing} | true |
{author:syntax_highlighting} | true |
{author:comment_shortcuts} | false |
{author:admin_color} | fresh |
{author:use_ssl} | 1 |
{author:show_admin_bar_front} | true |
{author:locale} | |
{author:wp_capabilities} | a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;b:1;} |
{author:wp_user_level} | 10 |
{author:dismissed_wp_pointers} | |
{author:show_welcome_panel} | 1 |